flydocs partners with Brussels Airlines
National flag carrier to benefit from online aircraft records build & audit.
flydocs, the aviation data and records management solution provider and global industry leader in managing the lease transfer of aircraft and assets, today announced Brussels Airlines, the flag carrier and largest airline of Belgium, as their latest client for end of lease (EoL) services. flydocs’ team of aircraft records specialists will build and audit digital records for 10 end of term aircraft and facilitate their on-time return to their respective lessors.
Data scanning and electronic migration for the initial fleet of three A319 and seven A330 Airbus aircraft, which are due to be returned between October 2018 and October 2019, has already been completed. This involved an onsite team scanning over 3.3 million original documents stored in almost 1600 boxes. The digital data is then passed through several highly advanced proprietary processes to extract maximum utility from it in order to build and audit complete aircraft documentation. To date, documentation builds for 6 of the 10 aircraft are already complete.
Jan De Meyer, Technical Representative & Records Manager at Brussels Airlines comments: “We’ve enjoyed the collaborative approach to this programme, and have found the reporting functionality within the flydocs platform of particular value. We can instantly see a project status, identify queries and delegate team members to respond to them all within the system. This detailed visibility across all EoL transitions provides us with every confidence in our ability to successfully redeliver this large number of aircraft in such a short period of time.”
flydocs CEO, Adrian Ryan, commented: “We welcome Brussels Airlines to our growing family of Airlines, Lessors and MROs who are benefitting from the time and cost efficiencies of streamlined aircraft redeliveries enabled by flydocs. There is no denying the business case for digital lease returns, and therefore no reason for any airline today to be incurring the risks, costs and potential late return penalties of paper-based operations.”
Whilst initially signing-up with flydocs for a phase-out programme, Brussels Airlines have since contracted flydocs to manage the phase-in of two A340 aircraft due for delivery in early 2018.