We're excited to be attending the Airline & Aerospace MRO & Flight Operations IT Conference on 12-13 September in Miami. Meet us on Stand 54
Big Data Launched - flydocs
We're excited to be attending the Airline & Aerospace MRO & Flight Operations IT Conference on 12-13 September in Miami. Meet us on Stand 54

Big Data Launched

flydocs continues to push the boundaries of true enterprise level records management software with the launch of its new big data modules.

In simple terms, BIG DATA is the collection and storing of massive amounts of data in highly intelligent and advanced databases. Think Google, Facebook, Amazon. All major software platforms and businesses involved in collecting and storing data now use various types of BIG DATA models.

flydocs is no different. We are already the most technically advanced aviation Records Management system in the world and we too have the same brain power as the boffins at Google; so we’ve been working hard on creating our own aviation oriented BIG DATA models.

With over 50 experts in our coding team, we have created highly advanced functions that have taken BIG DATA in aviation to the next level.

The flydocs Team has designed and built our own extremely intelligent algorithms to automatically process key information from every single document or piece of data uploaded. Other providers may ask you to manually draw boxes on documents to allow them to be named, identified or filed. You don’t have to do any of this manual work with flydocs.

When adding documents or electronic data into flydocs, the system automatically records and stores every piece of data from every document (and all electronic data added into the system from any source), which means that a whole new world of automation has now opened up to the industry.

We deliver heavily automated and streamlined processes within day-to-day business. This in turn reduces the man hours required to complete core activities, thereby creating massive savings.

With our investment in the development of BIG DATA modelling, we can build compliance records for an entire aircraft in minutes. For example, we can take a 20 year old Boeing 747 and build all compliance records ready for audit in less than 2 hours – a saving of 3 months of manpower resources.