Creative effective collaborations with Matt Pattison

Meet Matt Pattison, our Finance Business Partner!
In the first of our series to highlight our global workforce, we are featuring Matt whose role is pivotal in fostering effective collaboration across the business. We had a conversation with Matt to learn more about his role, how it benefits our business and some of his highlights at flydocs so far.
What is your role at flydocs?
Finance Business Partner
How does your role contribute to flydocs becoming the Partner of Choice?
My role is to help our teams better understand our data and how our business operates. This in turns helps them deliver better services to our clients.
How does your role enable collaboration across the business? In what way does collaboration make a difference in how you serve your customers?
I think of my role as being key to collaboration across the business. The analysis I create is shared across the business and helps all of our employees understand our progress and where they fit in. If we understand other parts of the business better than we can collaborate more effectively.
What makes flydocs your People Partner of Choice?
Flexibility is the key for me. The ability to work flexibly and make the role suit me has really helped me. We still have some changes to make before we are truly the People Partner of Choice but we have made great strides.
Can you tell us about your most memorable highlight at flydocs?
I got the opportunity to go to the India office in February 2020 and although parts of the trip weren’t ideal (the travel was a nightmare), getting to meet the teams out in Vadodara and experience another culture for a short period was great.
What has been your biggest lesson during your time at flydocs?
Probably the different ways people interpret information and utilise it. I have never worked for a global company before, so it has been a learning curve communicating with employees in different countries who have different experiences.
What was your favourite project, initiative or assignment you were part of during your time at flydocs and why?
Being involved in the Global Management Meeting earlier this year was really good fun and I really enjoyed the challenge of creating an interesting agenda for everyone across the three days. It did help that it was set in Goa, India!
If you could choose one theme to turn into a book about flydocs what would it be? If you can choose only three words to describe flydocs with, what would it be?
The only thing I can think of is maybe writing a book about all the varied people we have here. flydocs has a great mix of people across the business so that might an interesting read to highlight the DNA of our teams.
In terms of three words, I will paraphrase Tony Blair and say “Innovation, Innovation, Innovation”
How do you balance your career at flydocs and life outside of work?
Balance is the key word. I view work as only part of my life and you, therefore, need to make time for other interests. For me, that is playing hockey (field not ice) and playing video games, as long as I can continue doing both of those I will maintain some form of work/life balance.
Remote working is more prevalent now more than ever. What are some lessons you have learnt about working remotely?
Making time to just have a normal chat. Often when remote working, you only talk about work in booked meetings. I have found that even just having a 5-minute chat about non-work matters can help the day feel more normal.
What makes the perfect workplace for you for career progression and career satisfaction?
A workplace where people are viewed as a key part of the strategy rather than a resource to be exploited. Access to senior leadership and involvement in key decisions that affect the overall strategy is also important.
What makes you YOU?
A very deep question! I suppose my attitude towards life, trying to be positive no matter what and focusing on what I control and trying to manage with what I can’t. I also love a quiz.
What is going to make this your best year yet?
Well hopefully the COVID-19 pandemic will finally ease off and we can get back to a normal looking life. Currently juggling a house move and a once postponed wedding so if we can sort those both out in the next year I will be happy.
What would you like your legacy at flydocs to be?
For people to view data more valuably. Data is a great resource and should be used to drive decision making. If we have embraced data by the time I leave then I will be happy with that.
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